
Opciones de empleo

Mauricio Priego 10/Dic/2011 0

Christian Ruiz, center, walks through a crowd of job seekers as he looks for his next prospect at the Big Apple Job Fair for City University of New York graduating students and alumni in New York, Thursday, April 7, 2005, during a job-hunt season that experts say will be the best in years for college graduates. An online survey to be released Wednesday, April 13, 2005, of 6,500 graduating seniors by Experience, a provider of recruiting software, finds 25 percent have full-time job offers, compared to 18 percent at this time a year ago. Ruiz, a native of Quito, Ecuador, who is working on his masters degree in economics at New York’s Brooklyn College, said he scored four job interviews from the fair, but hasn’t found the right job yet. (AP Photo/BebetoMatthews)

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